Return Process:
To initiate a return, you can request it through our website or app. Alternatively, you may contact our Customer Support team, who will assist you throughout the process. After booking the return request, please be available for reverse pick-up, and ensure you answer calls from the delivery partner. If you are unavailable or unable to answer the calls, the delivery partner may, at their discretion, cancel the reverse pick-up, and the return process will need to be re-initiated, which may increase the overall timeline.
We offer Return / exchange within first 7 days from the date of your purchase. If 7 days have passed since your purchase, you will not be offered a return, exchange or refund of any kind. In order to become eligible for a return or an exchange, (i) the purchased item should be unused and in the same condition as you received it, (ii) the item must have original packaging, (iii) if the item that you purchased on a sale, then the item may not be eligible for a return / exchange. Further, only such items are replaced by us (based on an exchange request), if such items are found defective or damaged.
Additionally, while most pin codes are serviced for both forward and reverse delivery, certain pin codes may only be serviced for forward delivery. In such cases, you may be asked to return the product via an alternate courier service, such as India Post, and JOHRI CROWN will reimburse reasonable shipping costs up to Rs. 70. If shipping costs exceed Rs. 70, the excess charges (including return shipping, duties, taxes, fees, etc.) will be deducted from your refund. In the case of non-serviceable pin codes, the customer will be responsible for returning the jewelry to our warehouse and will receive Rs. 70 toward shipping charges with their refund.
If you receive an empty parcel or a missing product, please contact our Customer Support team within 24 hours of delivery. A 360-degree unpacking video of the parcel will be required for further processing of your request. Insufficient evidence or visible signs of tampering may result in the claim not being honored. JOHRI CROWN reserves the right to make the final decision on such matters.